Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 32 - Another long day!

We started out the day by traveling to the birth city of Alex and Kelly's son, Maksim.  Just under three hours after arriving at the records office we walked out with birth certificates in hand.  A quick stop at a roadside kiosk provided us with the brunch of champions: Snickers for Sergei & I and Peanut M&M's for Kelly.  Then it was back to Lugans'k so our facilitator could start greasing the wheels for the kids passports.  Then to Lutugino so we could visit with the kids while our facilitator ran from building to building gathering papers and signatures.  You would not believe the amount of paperwork that this man handles!  There was a mixup/misunderstanding regarding when we were taking the kids and when their "farewell" party would be.  The director thought perhaps Alex and Maksim might want to stay another night so they would be leaving on the day of their party.  Uhhh...no.  So, we shall go back to Lutugino with A&M tomorrow so they can have a class party and say their goodbyes.  Every hour of our day tomorrow is filled with a few overlapping time slots.  It's gonna be another busy day.

Our biggest hurdle tomorrow is having our Kyiv facilitator get our appointments for the kids medicals and Embassy appointments on Thursday and Friday of this week.  If this doesn't happen then we will be here until *next* Wednesday/Thursday as Monday and Tuesday are holidays.  And all of this hinges on actually getting A&M's passports tomorrow at 3:00 as promised!

So I've got the girl with me in my apartment as I type.  She got to talk with R&M and Grandmom, too.  So cool that I got to take her out to dinner and she didn't have to ask permission from a teacher to come with me.  She is a very happy girl!  :)

And I am a very tired girl.  :)  My lazy days are definitely over and it has been a rude awakening.  But I love it.

Thanks for waiting patiently for an update...or not so patiently, depending on who you are!



  1. Congrats! Great news. Now Alex is your daughter in every sense of the word. If the passport comes too late to make the train, you could decide to take the morning flight out of Lugans'k and still make an embassy appointment.

  2. Woo-hoo! Things will slow down a bit once you get to Kiev, so look forward to a little bit of rest there! Praying you get the passports as promised! (And at least you got to stop for chocolate; on our big paperchase day, our facilitator didn't stop!)

  3. WOOO HOOOO!!! HAPPY DAY! :) Same emotions as giving birth??

  4. Brian~ We actually plan to fly, it's just a matter of when.

    Marcie~ Believe me, it just about killed him to stop! He absolutely wouldn't stop anywhere we had to go inside to buy something. :)

    Melissa~ hmmmm....since all I had to do was drive, wait, drive, wait, drive, wait it was a little easier!
