Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 35 - Time to say "Dosvadonya, Ukraine"

Visas are in hand, bags are packed and alarms are set.  For 1:45AM.  Taxi is picking us up at 3AM.

We had a good last day in Kyiv.  We ate brunch then went to an open air market to do a little shopping, went to the Embassy to pick up the visas, went back to the market to buy one last thing, dropped off bags at the apartment and went out to dinner.  We re-packed our suitcases to make room for our purchases and now we are going to attempt to get some sleep.  If I fall asleep in the next 15 minutes I can get 4.5 hours in!   I'm not holding my breath that falling asleep in 15 minutes is actually going to happen!

It's been an amazing journey.  Tomorrow is sure to be exhausting, but it will be good to be home.  I imagine I will be too tired to post anything tomorrow, but I will try to catch up on Sunday.  Thanks so much for following us on our journey.


  1. Paka, Ukraine! HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO America!!!
    SO exciting! Congratulations on surviving the ride :) Cant wait until America grows by 1 sweet girl tomorrow!

  2. Finish strong! Have a safe trip home!
