Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Quick Chat with Olga

We called Olga's school this morning.  After several attempts and even speaking to the wrong child the first time we finally were able to speak with her.  (The first child we spoke to had a first name that rhymed with Olga's last name, so there was obviously something lost in translation!)  She said she is doing well.  She received the last letter I sent as well as the letter Aunt Deby (my sister) sent.  She sounded very excited to have received a letter from her Aunt Deby!  In the course of the conversation she told me that her host mother from Spain called her yesterday!  Olga had gone on hosting programs to Spain and stayed with the same family for 6 years before coming to America.  What is odd about that is that Olga hasn't been to Spain in two years and her host family from Spain hardly ever contacts her.  It made my stomach drop a bit when she told me that.  My brain starts going crazy with all kinds of "what if" garbage.  I quickly asked if she was still excited about coming back here for Christmas and she said yes.  I think with all of the snags we are running into here every little thing that isn't in "my plan" puts me into panic mode.

I plan to call the USCIS again today to see if our application has made it to the Missouri facility.  The rep I spoke with yesterday said to wait a week before calling.  I'm just going to ignore that little piece of advice.  :)




  1. She is beautiful! I hope everything works out for you guys!!! Patrice H.

  2. Thank you, Patrice. We are very anxious to get her home!
