Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Parlez-vous français?

Alex got to select the classes that she would like to take next year as a rising Freshman.  Apparently she feels being able to speak four languages isn't quite enough and signed up to take French.  I have no idea if they will actually let her take it or not as she will be in ESOL as well.  I am pretty sure she is exempt from the foreign language requirement, but she really wants to take French.  Crazy kid.  :)


  1. Add overachiever to her list of qualities :) What a smarty pants! I love it!

  2. Knowing so many languages is a really great and marketable skill.

  3. She seems to have a gift for languages, as well. While she still has trouble reading English, her spelling skills are rapidly improving. I always thought those two things would just go hand in hand, they don't.

    I am very impressed with her desire to excel. She could have easily chosen Spanish as her foreign language and coasted through it.
