Sunday, June 12, 2011

Long time, no post.

Okay, I admit it.  I've been a very bad blogger.  Things are just so normal that it feels a bit odd to write about it!

We really haven't been terribly busy.  Alex had her dance recital last week and she did a great job.  She really enjoys the class and wants to take it again when the class starts back up in August.  We spent *all* day on Memorial Day at the pool.  Despite frequent re-application of sunblock we all got sunburned and spent the next four days indoors.  We celebrated my youngest daughters 7th birthday.  I took the kids on a road trip to visit family in Missouri and Colorado.  It was just me and the three kids as Jeff couldn't take time off from work.  Boy howdy is it a long drive from GA to CO!  The kids were all troopers (for the most part) on the drive so I can't complain too loudly. We are attending a wedding in CO up in the mountains so we are all very excited for that.  Alex' birthday is at the end of the month, and it just so happens that our one year anniversary of meeting her for the first time lands on her birthday!  Yep...she met  her family for the first time on her 15th birthday and gets to celebrate her 16th with her family for the first.time.ever.  My, what a difference a year makes.

And that is our last two weeks in a nutshell.  Nothing too exciting.  Just regular life.  No complaints here!  


  1. So glad things are going so well with Alex! It sounds like she is adapting amazingly well. I couldn't be happier for you and your family! BTW... next summer we will definitely try to coordinate our trips to MO. XOXO!

  2. Perhaps next summer I can stay in MO for longer! After seeing Tracey and talking about you I am very motivated to make a mini-reunion happen!

  3. We once drove from here (Phoenix) to Atlanta... with friends who had a teething 8 month old. Yeah, I feel your pain! Glad to hear all is well though! Isn't the normalcy a blessing?

  4. The normalcy is wonderful. It does, however, catch me completely off guard when there are moments of, ummmm...., *not* normalcy. :) You know what I mean, right?
