Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Never too old to Trick or Treat!

Alex was very excited for her first Halloween. She picked out a costume that was entirely waaaayyyyyy too short, but was willing to wear shorts under it so it received my stamp of approval.  She helped paint her siblings faces.  I made a tulle skirt for under her dress to help "poof" it up a little...cause, you know, it wasn't short enough as it was.  The weather was perfect.  We were set and ready to go, but she was too embarrassed to go ring doorbells on her own as well as too embarrassed to go door to door with her siblings.  I really didn't want her to be disappointed in her first Halloween, so I ran home, put on black boots, leggings and a form fitted charcoal grey shirt and dug out a kitty cat mask and tail.  Presto bingo...Alex had a Trick or Treat partner and was no longer embarrassed.  (Me, on the other hand...)

All the kids had a great time, and I have had way too much candy over the last few days!


  1. Their faces look GREAT! And what a fun mom you are! (I changed my earrings to Halloween ones, does that count as dressing up? lol)
    So glad she had a great time!
    Brooke (who cant comment)

  2. What is her costume? I want to see yours! Amber also had her first Halloween (age 14) and Dennis, too (age 10)! Brian said he gave up Halloween in his teen years, but some never do! :)

  3. Of course changing earrings counts!

    She kept telling everyone she was Snow White, but if anything it was a naughty take off of Snow White. I only have one photo of her whole costume and it isn't a great one b/c her face is turned away from the camera. No photos of me...I didn't get dressed up until well after the kids got started trick or treating. It was all about candy volume at that point. :)

  4. Heh... by the end of the night I had on Amber's blue wig and butterfly mask. No that is scarey.
