I'm not quite sure if anyone will actually still read this, but after a year and a half I thought it was time for an update.
All kinds of normal, run of the mill, life with a teenager stuff has happened since I last posted. For one thing, Alex completed her Sophomore year of high school. She finished second semester with all A's, for which we are incredibly proud of her. It certainly wasn't easy, but she is incredibly driven and motivated to do well. And perhaps a little too stubborn to allow herself to do less than she is capable. She was part of a competition dance team with a local studio, and while she was limited in the amount of classes she could take, she really enjoyed it and did well in her competitions. She also earned her learner's permit for driving. And got braces in the summer of 2012.
We were able to host a foreign exchange student this past summer from France. Marguerite was here for four weeks. She and Alex had a lot of fun hanging out and learning more about each other's country. The opportunity came up through Alex's French class, and it sounded like a fun way for Alex to learn more about French culture.
Alex and Marguerite had birthdays one day apart! |
Alex has become very involved in attending and serving our church, and accepted Christ and was baptized last fall along with her little sister. She is a small group leader for both a group of pre-school aged kids as well as a group of 4th grade girls. She chose 4th grade girls so she could be a leader for Maddox, and plans to lead that group for many years to come. (Isn't that the sweetest?) She attends her high school ministry every Wednesday night, which she loves.
Alex signing the "Baptism Board" |
Maddox signing the "Baptism Board" |
Maddox in prayer |
Alex being baptized |
Maddox being baptized |
After the girls baptism |
This year she entered her Junior year of high school. This seems to be the year where things start to become serious for those students with plans to attend college. That would be Alex. She plans to take the SAT's in December of this year and is currently taking an SAT prep class through school to help her prepare. Test taking has always been her weakest point, so she is taking every opportunity she can to improve her skills.
She was nominated to interview for the Governor's Honors Program in Visual Arts. This is a pretty big deal, and an incredible opportunity. She has County level interviews on November 7. If she makes it to the next level, she will have State level interviews in January. These are incredibly difficult interviews with a lot of competition. What does she get if she makes it through both sets of interviews and becomes a finalist? A four week scholarship to study art at a university in GA during the summer of 2014. How amazing would that be for her? She is almost done with her art portfolio that she will need to present during the interviews. She has two weeks left to prepare for County interviews.
She is again on the competition dance team. Competitions start in March so she is currently learning the new dances. She has really grown as a dancer in these last 2+ years, and it is so fun to watch her.
Maddox and Alex before their recital |
Alex earned her driver's license in September. She has been driving to school, church, and the dance studio without (much) incident. I won't mention the new tires we had to buy after a run in with a curb. My hope with her driving was that her first accident would produce no injuries, nobody else would be involved, and it would be a real eye opener for her. It only took a few weeks for my hope to become a reality. :) She is actually a good driver and I'm really proud of how responsible she is in that area. What happened to her has actually happened to me, so it's easier to laugh about it.
As for my other two
monsters sweet, precious, angel children...they are both doing well. Rhys started middle school this year. It's such a tough transition year. He has always been a creature of habit, so change is always difficult for him. He is handling it better than I had anticipated, although we aren't without struggles in some areas. All in all, I am very proud of him and how much he has grown in maturity. Maddox in in fourth grade, and doing well. She struggles socially so I have her in a few clubs/activities to try to help her learn how to develop friendships.
Rhys in Florida |
Mermaid Maddox |
Ice Cream Break in Gatlinburg, TN |
Ripley's Aquarium, Gatlinburg TN |
Ripley's Aquarium, Gatlinburg TN |
Ripley's Aquarium, Gatlinburg TN |
Ripley's Aquarium, Gatlinburg TN |
Ripley's Aquarium, Gatlinburg TN |
Ripley's Aquarium, Gatlinburg TN |
Ripley's Aquarium, Gatlinburg TN |
Hiking in Smoky Mountain National Park |
Hiking in Smoky Mountain National Park |
Gatlinburg, TN |
American Heritage Girl |
American Heritage Outing |