Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas...quick update

The school semester ended for my three kids on December 16.  M is only in 2nd grade, so it was basically a week long fun fest for her that last week of school.  R is a 4th grader and he did actually have a few tests.  Alex on the other hand had a full week of finals which she was very stressed about.  She studied very hard with her good friend that happens to be in four classes with Alex.  Her tests scores were anywhere from failing to passing with flying colors, but the important thing is that she finished her first semester of high school with one C, three B's and two A's.  We are so, so, sooooooo proud of her!  They return to school on January 3.  Alex will have all the same classes/teachers so she will not have to readjust to new teachers.

Christmas was absolutely wonderful.  Our younger two were up at 4AM, but played together in R's room until 6AM when we let them start opening gifts.  Since we were able to host Alex last year for Christmas, this was actually her 2nd one here so she knew what to expect as far as the excitement level would go.  Just like last year she received a new outfit as well as new products from Bath & Body Works so as soon as gifts were opened she hightailed it to the shower so she could try out and put on her new stuff.  The big gift, compliments of Jeff's mom, was a 14' trampoline.  Jeff finished putting it together today and it is a blast!  The kids love it, and honestly, I love it, too.  So much fun!  Also for Christmas I always host Christmas dinner for our family, my parents, my sister's family and friends.  We had 17 people here for beef tenderloin, ham, green beans w/bacon, butternut squash soufflé, pineapple casserole (I know that one sounds funny, but it really is good...I promise!), mac & cheese, mashed potatoes, rosemary bread & rolls and, of course, desserts.  I had made butterscotch blondies and a coconut cream pie, and Alex made a cheesecake.  It is a full day of work but I wouldn't have it any other way.  It is one of my most favorite Christmas traditions.

All in all Alex is doing quite well.  She is really enjoying her dance classes, as well as learning dances for her school dance team.  The dance team hasn't been able to perform at a game yet, but will be doing so when they return to school in January.  I can't wait to see their performance!