First off, I wanted to write a brief update on Katie John. She is the young mother I wrote about not long ago who was found by her husband collapsed on the floor of their home not breathing and with no pulse. I don't know if anyone was able to pinpoint exactly how long she had been...well...dead, but the paramedics were able to shock her heart back to life. Miraculously, Katie not only survived but is doing quite well. She was diagnosed with
Long QT Syndrome. Other than some short term memory loss, she seems to have made a remarkable recovery.
Now on to some fantastic school reports. Alex had state mandated End of Course Tests (EOCT's) that she had to pass in order to graduate from high school. If she failed any of them she would need to retake the failed portion in her junior year. Her first test was in Algebra which she wasn't worried about at all. Keep in mind that this is the same girl that had to take mandatory remediation b/c she was failing Algebra at the beginning of the school year. She passed that one with an 84%. The next two, in English Lit and Physical Science, she was very worried about and quite certain she would fail. She ended up passing English Lit with a 70%! Obviously that is just barely squeaking by, but we are all absolutely *thrilled* that she passed it! The Science EOCT was the last one and the one I thought she would have the most difficulty passing. She showed me. She passed with a 74%. After it was all said and done she finished the semester with three B's and three A's. On top of all of that, Little Miss Smarty Pants went from a fourth grade reading level going into the school year and exited testing at a high eighth grade reading level. Her English Lit teacher, who is also her advocate, called me personally to give me this news and to tell me how proud she is of Alex. She added that most ESOL students only gain about 2 reading levels per year. And because all of this isn't enough, Alex also tested so high on the ESOL tests, she is actually able to exit the program and be a "regular" student. However, if she exited the program that would mean that she would no longer be afforded accommodations such as using a word to word, English to Russian, word translation book. She also wouldn't be given additional time to take tests if she needed it. We both agreed that Alex should stay in the ESOL program another year to get her feet planted firmly on the ground. After next year she will simply be ineligible to remain in ESOL because her test scores will be too high. I did speak with Alex about it as well, and she was in full agreement. We are insanely proud of how hard Alex worked this year and how much she was able to accomplish.
Rhys and Maddox both had great school years as well. Rhys was able to pull his failing spelling grade up to a "B" for the fourth quarter. He finished with three "B's" and three "A's". He also earned the science award for his class and the music award from his music teacher. I must admit, the music award surprised me. He was really excited that he got it. He also had state mandated tests which he earned "Meets Expectations" or "Exceeds Expectations". He did exceptionally well on the Science portion. Maddox got all "O's" (Outstanding) with the exception of one "S" (Satisfactory) in spelling. The most exciting part of finishing 2nd grade for Maddox is that her absolutely, fantastically amazing teacher has decided that she isn't ready to let her class from this year move on without her so she is looping with the entire class for 3rd grade! Maddox is beyond thrilled as am I. This teacher is the kind of teacher that Maddox will remember and give credit to for her future successes as an adult.
Maddox had a very big morning. She has been growing her hair for over 2 years with the intention of donating it to
Locks of Love Today was the big day! A great big shout out to Kelly at
Kelly's Salon for the fantastic cut. Kelly was kind enough to give Maddox a complimentary haircut because she was donating her hair to Locks of Love.
Last few minutes of long hair. |
Hair down to her waist |
After 10" was cut. |
Getting it styled. |
Finished! |
She loves it!